Financial Coaching and Financial Planning

Having quality conversations with our clients is the cornerstone of what we do at CC Coaching and Consulting. 

Each client is unique.  Each client’s life and economic situations are different.  Each client also has different goals and admirations.   


Plans for Individuals & Families | CC Coaching and Consulting

We will...

...understand your current situation in a quantitative and subjective manner. define your financial desires.

...have discussions about where you are in relation to the goals.

...define a road map to pursue those objectives. stress test and 'what if' scenarios.

Around these items we will have quality discussion...

...We "speak truth to power".

...We decide on strategy.

...We execute on that strategy.

...We continue to update and operate as a team.

Plans for Individuals & Families | CC Coaching and Consulting


Can You Be Doing More?

Most people know they need to be doing more.  However, the world is complex and full of so many options it is becoming increasing difficult to know what to do.  There are cash flow constraints, time constraints, and there are unrelenting expenses.  For all these reasons people delay financial planning at the expense of their future. 

Advice and implementation need to be taken as two separate tasks.  A client’s financial plan will change many times over the course of their life.  That is why it is never to early to make a plan and then formulate the best way to implement based on present restraints or excesses.