Corporate Retirement Plan Solution

As consultants and advisors specializing in company sponsored retirement plans such as 401k and Defined Benefit, we are dedicated to helping clients maximize the value of their employer's retirements plans. Our professional guidance can help clients:

  • Manage fiduciary exposure
  • Lower plan expenses
  • Develop a personalized employee investment education and communication program resulting in improved retirement outcomes
Corporate Retirement Planning | CC Coaching and Consulting

Qualified Retirement Plans and More

Developing and maintaining qualified retirement plans requires ongoing attention. Using the Corporate Retirement Plan SolutionTM, CC Coaching and Consulting, Inc. can help optimize participant and employer satisfaction.

In part, the Corporate Retirement Plan SolutionTM provides:

  • Plan Design Consultation
  • Third Party Administrator Comparison
  • Record-keeper Services and Cost
  • Investment Performance, Cost and Monitoring
  • Analysis of Fiduciary Compliance Processes
  • Evaluation of Employee Communications

Our Process

Take a tour to see what to expect in an initial meeting and see our ongoing service model.

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Corporate Retirement Planning | CC Coaching and Consulting

Company-Sponsored Retirement Plan